Perfect Evening

Dear Hannah, Sounds like you were a queen on your birthday–just as it should be. I think since becoming a mother, my birthday takes a backseat to my daughter’s, and instead takes on a sort of Mother’s Day flavour, which is so nice. I’m going to...

Birthday Happiness

Dear Ria, I got your birthday e-card! Cupcake tic-tac-toe, love it! Speaking of sieve brain syndrome, I LOST my first go at it. Tic-tac-toe, I mean (we call it “noughts and crosses” down here in Southern hemisphere land). Who loses Tic-Tac-Toe?!...

Squash Pie and So Much More

Dear Hannah, We’re rolling! It’s so exciting. Thanks for your great first post/letter. It’s nice to have our thought process immortalized for all time. Emblazoned on the internet is about as “carved in stone” as we can get these days. No pressure. I too have had...

And So It Begins….

Dear Ria, I had some Awesome Ideas for this first post. Then I tried to rock babygirlnumbertwo (henceforth known as B2) to sleep. She refused and I forgot my Awesome Ideas. While feeding her I had more Awesome Ideas. Then she needed to be changed (she had done one of...