Sweet Little Something

Hi there, Weekend. It’s time for Sweet Little Something – an end of the week morsel that we would love your comments on. It may be a photograph, a link, a poem…some tidbit of inspiration. Leave us a note or create a haiku for a photograph if it takes...

A funny thing happened on the way here

  I live in a pretty conservative little neighbourhood. There are picket fences. Birds chirp pleasantly, dogs are sniffy and friendly on approach. But today I ran into a neighbour and, well, she wasn’t wearing any pants. That’s right. Top? Check....

Sick Tea

I wanted to write a post about the arrival of spring, the chirping of birds and the buzz of bumblebees in our glass-walled studio. (Maybe I just did, in a single-sentence-blog-post kind of way). Okay–have a photo too. But, I am sick. This is supposed to happen...