Food Memory: Linzer Torte

Oh, the food rapture! How do I say that in Italian?! I was inspired by how you transported me to Italy (in Sydney) and stuffed me full of gnocchi and I had to come up with my own food-filled, nostalgic ramble. So here goes. Aren’t food memories the most quality...

Gnocchi, mi amore.

Bonjourno Amica Mia! I’m taking you to Ferragosto today. Ferragosto? A fabulous Italian tradition celebrating harvest, summer, August and eating. Oh yes. Clearly we are in the wrong hemisphere for all that summer and harvest business so over here it’s all...

Chopped Garden in a Bowl

Not sure what the title of this post actually evokes–maybe a slasher film? Rest assured there are only vegetable corpses… We have an overabundance of vegetables right now. And an overabundance of heat. I know it’s not even-the-kangaroos-are-sweating...

A Winter’s day

So, what is Sydney like in winter? That is a good question. If today is representative it is warm, clear and I was hot wearing jeans. I know, right, what a show-off city?! It’s not been a great winter here, according to people that are more local than I, which...

Procrastination Nation

Okay. The Big P. No, it’s not just you: fear is a huge part of my Procrastination too. Pretty much every writer I know has a sometimes-crippling Fear of Sucking. My personal view on this is that as writers we are innately sensitive and emotional and that our egos take...