Notes From a Writing Trip

Recently I got the chance to go away, as I have before, to write. Just write. (Well, maybe there was a wee bit of socializing. But not much.) I have a tight revision deadline for my latest novel, so any time I can grab to work on it, I take. And this time I had a...

The Window They Give Us

It wasn’t hard to think of a subject to explore from A French Wedding because, while there are many I could chase down a rabbit hole (Pastries! Seaside villages! Lost loves!), there was one that whispered to me the whole read through: old friends. The people who knew...

My new book-baby

  Elizabeth Gilbert (superstar author of Eat, Pray, Love and Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear) suggests that we don’t call our books “our babies”. It’s not all that helpful or healthy to be so attached to your work output that you assign it the same...