To Life

  I don’t want to bring you down or anything, but this is a post about death. And farming.     I’ve been thinking about how to broach the subject of death with Little e, since she’s now of the age when she notices and questions and ponders things like...

Anatomy of a Birthday Cake IV

She wanted a penguin cake. On Tuesday, that is. The week before it was an octopus (I’m so glad we moved on from that). Before that it was to be a butterfly. But by Wednesday, for certain, she said: it must be a turtle. A sea turtle, not a tortoise. Which is an...

Dream job, Bad Day.

  Today I am exhausted. Last night my agent called me and we talked through the issues with a new manuscript. Big issues. Big, fixable issues, but fixes that will take (a lot of) time and energy and determination. I hung up the phone at 10.30 at night – we...