French Breakfasts

  Last year we were fortunate enough to go to Europe – Croatia and France – to celebrate a dear friend’s birthday. It’s no secret I’m a huge francophile. The french chapter titles and macarons in my first book, The Colour of Tea, no...

This Calls For: Jam Tarts

Celebrations–don’t you love them? Birthdays, yes, but also seasons, babies, raises, whatever gets you cake. Today I felt a celebration coming on, but of a different kind. Hannah’s written before about the job of being a writer and how some days are...

Walking on beaches

  I have a theory that whatever natural feature, resource, phenomenon surrounds you when you are young embeds itself into your psyche. It forms a part of who you are. If you grew up by mountains, you are going to crave mountains. If you grew up near fields,...

To the New

Here we are in 2016 and around here, snow has fallen. Temporarily. Our snow never stays long–in fact it’s turning to slush as I write. But there’s something about starting a new year (as arbitrary as that whole thing is) with a new look that’s...