Sweet Little Something

Time again for a Sweet Little Something with our guest star, Amanda a.k.a Carmen San Diego, contributing to the photographic inspiration. Please feel encouraged to leave a comment, a haiku, whatever takes your fancy, we love to hear from you. And, even more...

Les Vacances – Part One

We’re baaa-aack. Back in merino undergarments and three layers worth of pyjamas. Back to cranking the heaters and willing the sun to stay in the sky past 5pm. Back to kindy, to work, to the supermarket. We were looking at photos of the glassy, glassy Croatian...

Sweet Little Something

Back from holiday and it’s time for a Sweet Little Something! With our guest star, Amanda a.k.a Carmen San Diego, contributing to the photographic inspiration, of course. Please feel encouraged to leave a comment, a haiku, whatever takes your fancy, we love to...

Vienna – the side dishes!

There are endless reasons to adore Europe – aromatic espressos, architecture at sunrise, people watching, (especially if said people are wearing socks and sandals simultaneously with two braids tied on top of their head and pushing a pram with a dog in it) but...

Wish you were here: Europe

  (Ways I considered beginning this postcard: Well..?! / Oh my God. / Holy / A series of these: !!!!)   Hi. We are in Europe. The whole bumbling lot of us. Now in Paris, before that Brittany, before that Croatia. It’s been a crazy-wonderful adventure. And...