I believe in magic

  Over twenty years ago I met someone that changed my life. Her name was Sian. We were both starting at a new school. We were both the eldest kid in our family. We both had brown hair and brown-ish eyes.Neither of us were very cool or very extroverted. In fact,...

Old Things New

I love before-and-afters. There’s something so very satisfying about a transformation, especially when you get a glimpse of -pre and -post. (I’ll admit: I was one of those thirteen-year-olds who lived for makeover shows.) But I also love revisits for those...

Sweet Little Something

For the next few Sweet Little Somethings we will be trialling a small change. One of us will post a picture from our week – a moment, something noticed, an image worth treasuring – and the other will leave a comment, haiku or link inspired by the photo....