Dear 16 Year Old Me

I’m going to be doing some author visits to schools in the next few weeks and it’s got me thinking about being a teenager and being an adult and whatever happens to us in between. There were times when I was writing my YA novel that I questioned the voice...

Sweet Little Something

This week’s Sweet Little Something is a little morsel from each of us that we would love your comments on. A photograph, a link, a poem…a tidbit of inspiration. Leave us a note or create a haiku for a photograph if it takes your fancy. Have a wonderful...

Premature pie consumption

When is it okay to start talking about Christmas? Are you rolling your eyes? Is it less irritating if I am talking about Christmas food? I spotted Christmas mince pies in the bakery this morning and almost did a double take I couldn’t believe the year was...

Sweet Little Something

This week’s Sweet Little Something is a little morsel from each of us that we would love your comments on. A photograph, a link, a poem…a tidbit of inspiration. Leave us a note or create a haiku for a photograph if it takes your fancy. Have a wonderful...