The Right Fuel

Wow–that last post was gorgeous. The photos, the recipe, the concept of cheesecake made with cashews, your thoughts on manuscript revision….it all made me drool. Well, maybe not the last one. But it did get my thoughts swirling about how we go about...

Just add magic

To make a cheesecake : Blend cashew nuts and lemon… Ever come across a recipe that you can’t imagine how it’s going to come together? Sarah Britton of My New Roots keeps posting recipes that intrigue me so much I have to make them. It helps that the...

Eating History

I have to agree–reading is a slim promise these days. I find myself with piles of new, unread books around the house–stacked beside my bed, on the table in my daughter’s room, on top of the bookshelves, kitchen table, and on it goes…That is to...

The drought-breaker

I’ve been in a reading drought. Too little sleep, too much rushing towards a manuscript deadline. No time, no space in my head for any stories other than my own. I’ve been so desperately grasping the thread of my own story I couldn’t possibly read...