The Crunch

Do you cook in phases? And by that I mean “get obsessed with making certain foods” in phases. The homemade pasta phase and the sourdough bread phase come to mind for me. I find it hard to rein in the compulsion. Must. Make. X. [Confession: I am currently...

Sweet Little Something

Hi there, Weekend. It’s time for Sweet Little Something – an end of the week morsel that we would love your comments on. It may be a photograph, a link, a poem…some tidbit of inspiration. Leave us a note or create a haiku for a photograph if it takes...

Good News x 3

I’ve decided I am a depressive optimist. I was discussing it with a friend and wondering if it was a thing. Even a possibility. We discussed how the concept of ‘Life is Suffering’ is entirely sucky but once accepted somewhat buoying in an...

Sweet Little Something

Hi there, Weekend. It’s time for a Sweet Little Something – an end of the week morsel that we would love your comments on. It may be a photograph, a link, a poem…some tidbit of inspiration. Leave us a note or create a haiku for a photograph if it...


Recently I had the amazing luxury of going on a self-imposed mini writing retreat. Luxury because I have a full-time job, a full-on toddler, an equally busy husband (Equally as busy as me, not the toddler. Although…) and all the other things have would normally keep...