Best of Season: SH Winter

If you’ve been reading my previous Best of Seasons (like this one for autumn and this one for summer) you know the basic formula. I ramble on and on, waxing lyrical about birds and flowers and leaves, gushing in a teenage fashion about how it’s like my...

Writing Process Blog Tour: How I write

  Surprise! I’m back! It feels a little like going back to school (that’s a good thing—it always filled me with delight, strangely enough). More on the goings-on since I’ve been away in my next post, but for now…a blog tour stop for you. Last week a fantastic...

Changing the lens

It’s been a rough couple of weeks, don’t you think?. Everywhere, it seemed, bad news got grimmer and good news sparser. This guy, this crazy-wonderful / wonderful-crazy guy, left us bereft and heartbroken. Hope, in all manner of places and circumstances,...

Desperately Seeking Tapas…

Have you ever seen a child stare into a candy shop? Their sweaty foreheads pressed to glass with superglue force and sticky hands braced wide like Spider-Man, ready to web swing to another building. Their breath fogs the glass as their mouths salivate at the thought...