Dear Hannah,

We’re rolling! It’s so exciting. Thanks for your great first post/letter. It’s nice to have our thought process immortalized for all time. Emblazoned on the internet is about as “carved in stone” as we can get these days. No pressure.

I too have had several Awesome Ideas, but I must have the same disease of the mind that you do—in fact I just had one and then I got up from the computer to drain the snap peas I’m blanching for the freezer and now that I’m sitting down again—gone. All I know is it was an Awesome One. Baby brain, mama brain, the proverbial sieve. It gets me at work all the time and I feel like a walking blob of amnesia. If you can picture that. Oh well, I’ll move on and it will come to me, right?

So, that butternut squash pie recipe Matt keeps talking about. It is heaven, no? I found it while searching for food blogs a few years ago—I actually found a great butternut squash loaf recipe from the same blog—and neither has failed me. Farmer’s Daughter is a great little site and her recipes are easy and definitely comfort food. Here’s the one you want. It’s true what she says: once you make a pumpkin pie with butternut squash, you never go back. Now, promise me you will make it (okay, maybe with assistance from babysitters and a chef-mate). It will taste like Thanksgiving.

Speaking of heaven, did I ever tell you about this cool little thing called The Lizzie Bennet Diaries? Long story short, my favourite vlog duo, John and Hank Green, have started several new YouTube channels, one of which is Hank’s project, a vlog retelling of Pride and Prejudice. I never read Jane Austen in high school (man, do I wish I had!), but I kept hearing about how amazing P&P was and then Lizzie Bennet started and DH and I were all, We need to check out the source if we’re going to watch this vlog. The source being, of course, the British miniseries, because it’s hard to read a novel together on the couch.  And I was hooked. So now we anxiously wait for new Lizzie Bennet episodes and discuss the clever ways they integrate plot points and characters when they only have a static camera and a very limited number of actors. You have to watch it! And then we can have a lovely old hashing out here. With big slices of butternut squash pie in front of us…

Question: Do you ever worry about being a complete embarrassment to your children? Like, already? I didn’t think this would kick in until maybe year ten or eleven of little e’s life, but for the first time I realise that I will be that uncool, totally embarrassing idiot, not matter what I do. She will look at me with that cutting contempt and I will feel useless. Because I’ve doled it out to my mother enough times since puberty. I guess maybe that’s it—I know what it feels like to do it, so for certain I’ll be the recipient someday. Ugh. Those darn tables—they always turn!

Better get back to work, and by work I mean book edits. Which is not so much work as it is hard-core volunteering.



PS-Some summer flowers for you from our garden!