What I know at 38

  I turned 38 on Monday. On learning it was my birthday several people asked me if it was a “big one”. I’m assuming they weren’t guessing I was turning 30. Hmmmm.   The last years of a decade are weird. It’s not an elegant way to describe it, I know, but...

What we’re readin’.

Last week we went to our local library (only the BEST LIBRARY IN THE UNIVERSE) and for the first time B1 snuck off to a cosy corner to read by herself. B2 was still keen for me to read to her (read as: shove a book at me before proceeding to wrestle my body into a...

Books, Books Everywhere

It’s that time of year again…yes, the time when the year’s new books start to be released into the world and I wonder how much more space I can find on my already double-stacked book shelves. I have way more books than I can read in a year. Probably in decade. Let’s...