We’re mixing it up! This week’s Sweet Little Something is a little morsel from each of us that we would love your comments on. A photograph, a link, a poem…a tidbit of inspiration. Leave us a note or create a haiku for a photograph if it takes your fancy. Have a wonderful weekend!

From Hannah:

(Image from cherry blossom girl)

Stumbled across these sweet literary clutch bags by Olympia Le-Tan. Crazy-cool. She says ” I grew up in a house full of books, old books with beautiful covers. They always inspired me and one day I just thought I would try turning them into bags.”

Would they make it onto your ultimate Christmas wish-list?


From Ria:


I love maps. I married a cartographer. We have a lot of maps in our house and we also have a map wish-list. This makes me happy in a random, lucky-dip kind of way. Which one’s your favourite?