Apricot cake

  Nothing says summer like an abundance of apricots.   You might be a nectarine fan or a lover of plums or mad-keen on those scarlet, seed freckled, early season strawberries, but apricots are the summer fruit for me. When I was a kid my Dad loved them best...

Good for you

Oh, the good advice we forget and forget and forget again. The things that cajole us out of a funk, that dust us off and yank us to our feet, that make life sweet again. Mum’s wisdom, your best friend’s sage counsel, the oldest of chestnuts. Sleep on it,...

Lavender Honeycake

    Oh, lavender. French gardens, milled soap, summer days, fresh-smelling wardrobes. Cake. No? Not a fan of soapy-tasting cake, as a friend of mine describes lavender in baked goods? Okay. Maybe just look at the photos and skip this next part. Ahem. For...