by Ria Voros | Oct 10, 2014 | From Hannah, From Ria, Seasonal, Sweet Little Something
We have winners!! The generous people at Simon and Schuster gave us two copies of Marissa Stapley’s Mating for Life to give away and we’re just about to do just that. If you didn’t get a chance to read Marissa’s interview and the competition...
by Hannah | Oct 4, 2014 | Books & Reading, From Hannah, How She (or he) Does It, Writing
The story of how Marissa and I *met* : Around this time last year a book arrived in my mailbox from my Canadian publisher. It was a novel titled Mating For Life, written by Marissa Stapley. {SPOILER ALERT: You could win a copy! Keep reading. Yes, to the very end of...
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