Not Sporty.

This is true: Running makes me feel horribly inconvenienced, pukey and annoyed; I prefer being inside with cake, tea and a book. I don’t want to swim in the ocean and I really don’t want to ski, thanks. Once, when put on a treadmill for one of those gym...

What I know at 38

  I turned 38 on Monday. On learning it was my birthday several people asked me if it was a “big one”. I’m assuming they weren’t guessing I was turning 30. Hmmmm.   The last years of a decade are weird. It’s not an elegant way to describe it, I know, but...

Why I write

  At the end of this month my third book will be out in the world. There is its cover, looking delicious, with my name in huge font. How does it feel? Exciting. Nerve-wracking. A relief. Strange, even the third time around. It’s difficult to explain the...