Chocolate Bourbon Pie

I am now going to incur your wrath/gratitude by introducing something that you must either go and make right now or find someone else who will make it for you right now and have them make it for you…RIGHT NOW. I know I’ve said urgent things about other recipes a...

Sweet Little Something

Wishing you a very happy Easter weekend! If you are new to Sweet Little Something, here’s how it works: one of us posts a picture from our week – a moment, something noticed, an image worth treasuring – and the other leaves a comment, haiku or link...

The Assemblage of Chocolate

  I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but Ria and I have some food themes going on. She is, very clearly, The Queen of Breakfasts. Looking back she’s posted a veritable bevy of breakfast recipes. Including:   A Moroccan breakfast pancake...